Friday, November 9, 2007


Read the text below and answer the questions.

A story to remember!

The most romantic story I know is the way my parents met. They traveled from London to Newcastle by train. It was quite a long journey in those days, and after a while they started talking. They discovered that they had in lot in common, both of them came from Newcastle, but both lived in London and both went home to see their families for Christmas. But the biggest coincidence was that both of them were trained to be journalists on big London newspapers. Mom was working for The Times and Dad for the Daily Mirror.

Anyway, I don’t know exactly what else they talked about, but they obviously got on well, and somehow during the journey they fell in love and decided to get married. By the time they reached Newcastle, they were already engaged!
The wedding was about for weeks later, and amazingly they are still happily married even after thirty years!
Nowadays, my mom is about to get retired because she has worked for more than 30 years, she has written a lot of stories and articles about London. My father has also written a lot of documentaries about Europe and Latin America. My parents absolutely love traveling everywhere. Therefore, they have written about journeys too!
They have visited different countries in Latin America and have met wonderful people there. My father told me he is going to study a foreign language soon. Probably Spanish, he is going to write some articles in Spanish because this language makes him feel very excited and imaginative. My Mom is going to start a project about some TV series in which people watch different real stories and documentaries.
I am very sure she is going to be very busy. However, she is very excited too! I’m pretty proud of my parents!
About myself, I’m going to travel to France nest month where I will work as a volunteer in a top quality restaurant. I just finished my high school and I really like cooking exotic food that makes me feel very happy! Besides, I am going to think about my future career. Probably, I’m going to be a Chef! I’m going to study this career which is going to let me travel abroad soon! I’m going to attract people with my tasty recipes! I love cooking for my parents. My food always makes their mouth-watering. I did not use to cook for myself because I was very busy at the school but now I do it and I just gave up eating out with my friends at nights!

I. Indicate if the following statements are TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED.
1. Vicky’s parents got engaged and got married or weeks after they met for the first time – TRUE
2. Vicky’s mom is going to stop working soon – TRUE
3. Vicky has written a lot of documentaries about Europe and Latin America – FALSE
4. Vicky is going to give up eating out with her friends – TRUE

II. Deduce the meaning of the following words by the context.
1. Got on well: Be fine and start a relationship.
2. Reached:
3. Engaged: Compromise of marriage
4. Journeys: Travel
5. Mouth-watering: Delicious
6. Gave up: Stop doing something

III. Circle the most appropriate option:
The story is about….
1. How Vicky’s parents met
2. Vicky’s story
3. Vicky’s parents travels

IV. Number the following events from 1 to 5 according to the sequence in the story.

2 They realized there were similarities between them
5 They went to Latin America
1 They left London
3They decided to get married
4 They got engaged

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